Treasury & Financial Markets

Our Treasury Team is devoted to deliver expert services in the different areas of the Financial Markets.

The purpose of the Treasury Financial Markets is to make EDF more resilient by generating income and providing EDF with the liquidity that will enable it to advance trade funding among Member Countries, as well as provide them with world-class treasury solutions. That will ultimately contribute to the overarching goal of improving socioeconomic conditions of the people across the world.

Treasury Products

The team actively supports the EDF’s Member and Partners by providing/accepting competitive FX prices

FX Spot

FX Swap

FX Forward

  • Capitalizing on its strong relationships with Member banks. To utilize the surplus liquidity under money markets deposits products.

  • Accepting money market deposits that are used to facilitate trade to its Members

Treasury strives to create a well-structured and diversified Trade portfolio through active trading in both primary and secondary markets with its partners.

Active trading for repos and reverse repos

  • Repos: Alternate Funding is a liability tool through which EDF funds its short- and medium-term liquidity gaps.

  • Reverse repos: Alternate tool to invest funds under a collateralized form with the objective to provide partners with liquidity needed.


Profit Rate Swap

Cross Currency Swap

Trade Structured Products

Trade Options

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